Standard Opioid Prescribing Schedules Toolkit
Hospitals have an enormous opportunity to ensure safe prescribing of opioids is institutionalized through standard opioid prescribing schedules (SOPS). The North Carolina Healthcare Foundation has created a Standard Opioid Prescribing Schedules Toolkit based on the data-driven and highly successful model created by UNC Health. This new toolkit offers hospitals standards to adopt across 90 SOPS — populations including surgical, emergency medicine, primary care, obstetrics, and pediatrics. NCHF also created a resource specifically for Critical Access and Small Rural hospitals on challenges and recommendations when implementing SOPS.
The North Carolina Healthcare Foundation wishes to thank UNC Health for their trailblazing leadership in this SOPS model; the Outer Banks Hospital for their feedback and perspective to ensure this toolkit is applicable for all hospitals; and the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Public Health, Injury and Violence Prevention Branch for their partnership and funding support.
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