Financial Services
NCHA Financial Services staff help members navigate the ongoing changes in healthcare finance while protecting funding and reimbursement. As demands increase to control expenditures in an environment of new regulations and evolving reimbursement methods, members can rely on NCHA’s financial services for information and guidance to stay viable.
The association often represents members’ financial interests before federal and state regulatory agencies and third-party payers. The staff also convenes workgroups with members to address issues related to government and commercial payers.
Hospital Assessments (SFY25 Q3) – Updated February 10
Includes hospital provider assessment and intergovernmental transfer (IGT) components by each quarter. This invoice format shows the portion of IGTs and assessments attributed to the SFY24 HASP Reconciliation financing.
SFY2024 HASP Report Available – Updated January 31
NCHA is providing each hospital a reporting of their SFY 2024 final HASP payments. This report includes the interim payment and final reconciliation payment. The non-federal share financing is also included to show a net HASP impact value.
Federal Analyses – Datagen Reports
NCHA contracts with the Hospital Association of New York State (HANYS) to offer DataGen reports to members.
DataGen reports:
Interpret changes in healthcare payment policy.
Model the impact of healthcare payment changes on revenue, quality, and profitability.
Help members to act on insight to drive organizational change.
Staff Contacts