- Behavioral Health
Model Opioid Practices
The opioid epidemic in North Carolina is a 100-county problem. Addiction makes no distinction between age, race, gender, wealth, or education. Addiction is a chronic illness just like any other, and with the right treatment and supports recovery is possible.
The development of many of the model opioid practices below was initiated through the collaborative work of The Coalition for Model Opioid Practices in Health Systems. This coalition was a partnership between the North Carolina Healthcare Association and the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services. Within the coalition, there were three working groups: Prevention and Safe Pain Management, Health System Response, and Healthcare Worker Diversion Efforts. Coalition members included representatives from all 130 hospitals in North Carolina, professional societies, and government agencies working to address the opioid crisis at a health system level.
These model opioid practices are valuable tools to support hospitals and health systems as they work to combat the ongoing opioid crisis in North Carolina and strive to prevent and treat opioid use disorders. Additional resources can be found on CaroNova’s Online Library for Opioid Stewardship, where NC hospitals can also request technical assistance with implementing best practice opioid strategies.
Emergency Department-Based Buprenorphine Treatment Toolkit
This toolkit is a resource and implementation guide for North Carolina hospitals piloting ED-based buprenorphine treatment in their facilities, developed with support and partnership from the North Carolina Division of Public Health, Injury and Violence Prevention Branch.
Online Library for Opioid Stewardship
CaroNova’s Online Library for Opioid Stewardship is a compilation of best practice tools and resources that have been assembled by a team of subject matter experts from across North and South Carolina. It was created with support and partnership from The Duke Endowment.
Standard Opioid Prescribing Schedules Toolkit
This toolkit was developed to help ensure the safe prescribing of opioids by using standard opioid prescribing schedules.
Opioid Diversion Toolkit
The Coalition for Model Opioid Practices in Health Systems has created a Healthcare Worker Diversion Toolkit with information and best practices to prevent and respond to a healthcare worker experiencing a substance use disorder.
ED Opioid Pathway
Emergency Departments act as a safety net for many of society’s challenges, including the growing opioid epidemic. The Health System Response working group has complied strategies and best practices to shift the culture and behavior of clinicians within EDs to prevent and treat opioid use disorders.
Patient Education and Prevention
Upstream approaches to prevent addiction is a cornerstone of NCHA’s opioid response strategy. Patient education about prescribed opioids and safe pain management strategies for prescribers is a vital first step.
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